“Ferdinand von Schirach’s debut play illuminates the fragility of our democracy – it left the audience visibly stunned.” Deutschlandradio Kultur, 4 Oct 2015
The scene: A law court.
The audience: The jury.
In Ferdinand von Schirach’s play the audience give their verdict, “guilty” or “not guilty.” The results of the decisions are continually updated and shown on this site.
127 theaters programmed the play since season 2015/16.
Thanks to Sara Örtel – Deutsches Theater Göttingen - for her suggestion to collate and document the results.
Enquiries regarding performing rights should be addressed to
Gustav Kiepenheuer Bühnenvertriebs-GmbH, Berlin.

A project of Gustav Kiepenheuer Bühnenvertriebs-GmbH
Programming, design & concepts: Dr. Arnd Zapletal
Translation: David Spencer
“It shreds your nerves, that’s its trick.” Spiegel online, 4 Oct 2015
Major Lars Koch, pilot of a German Army Eurofighter, faces your verdict. A Lufthansa-Airbus is high-jacked by terrorists; Major Koch is ordered to divert the Airbus from its course - can he do the right thing? There are 164 people on board Flight LH 2047, Berlin to Munich. The Airbus has suddenly changed course for the Allianz-Arena where a capacity crowd of 70,000 have gathered for the Germany verses England international. Major Koch must react. What are his orders? If the terrorist do not change course, can he, should he, shoot down a passenger jet? The clock ticks, Lars Koch makes a decision.
Ferdinand von Schirach’s debut play questions the very notion of human dignity. Can any human life be measured against others, regardless of the number? What circumstances could there ever be be, to avoid one catastrophe with possibly a smaller catastrophe? Who is responsible? Is it only Lars Koch alone here on trial?
The Jury decides.

Ferdinand von Schirach
Germany’s DER SPIEGEL called him “a magnificent storyteller”, the NEW YORK TIMES an “exceptional stylist” and the British INDEPENDENT compared him to Kafka and Kleist.
Ferdinand von Schirach’s story collections “Crime” and “Guilt” and his novels “The Collini Case” and “The Girl Who Wasn’t There” were bestsellers, selling in millions in 35 different countries. Schirach has received many literature awards, internationally too; these include the prestigious Kleist Prize.
France’s LIBERATION accounts for his success so: “Schirach’s master-stroke is to show that no matter how monstrous the deed is, human beings remain human beings.”
Ferdinand von Schirach lives in Berlin.
Information at: www.schirach.de

„I don’t go to the theater often. But I wish there were more plays like this.“Alexander Kluge, Der Spiegel 42/2015
— Süddeutsche Zeitung, 5 Oct 2015
— Hamburger Abendblatt, 9 Apr 2016
— WDR 2, 28 Oct 2015
— Huffington Post, 9 Apr 2016
— Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz, 2 Apr 2016
— Stuttgarter Zeitung, 8 Feb 2016
— Deutschlandradio Kultur, 4 Oct 2015
— Deutschlandradio Kultur, 19 Oct 2015
— Nordwest Zeitung, Oldenburg, 22 Feb 2016
— Deutschlandradio Kultur, 4 Oct 2015
— Spiegel online, 4 Oct 2015